I watched it when someone shared it on facebook; the clip is just upload few hours ago and viewers are around thousands. Is it worst to watch?
Let take a look inside. As indicated in clip, this is made from Zheng's lab productions. After short google I found the reference lab in Baylor College Medical School in Houston. This lab is working on immune responses, and the white leader singer in this song is one of the lab member. The storyline is about western girl getting trapped in the lab, studying cells all days and nights.
Sound familiar?
The reason is very easy, I also do the cell culture similar to the blonde girl in the clip does; when we are working in frozen clean room like a north pole. Our hand get wet under the rubber glove, and we need to feed the invisible cells as the indicator of my future.
Recently, I just get the negative result from my research project. All cells I cultured are dead...I clearly remember the picture that I took from the microscope. Cells are floating on the water (media solution) and everything turn into gloomy.
This might be the best reason why, later when I watch that parody clip , I laughed as shit.
"Why Why Why oh Why
Wish my cells won't die
Why Why Why oh Why
caught in bad project."
P.S. How about my project now? Please don't worry about it. Even my cells are all dead but that is the expected result (if not, I might cry). We just adapt the procedure a little bit and try again. As one of my friend says, "Research is re-searches". Trying to find the soluable unsolvable problem are my passionate task and doing research is what I love most. Maybe the only different thing from that blonde girl and me is, she hates her project, but I like mine.